Now that the christmas holidays are in full swing, i think i'll bloh again.
It's quarter to nine in the morning so thoughts are hopefully still fresh. I'm not sure what to expect from the trip on Wednesday, probably huge crowds of people and their brats. Damn Kids. It may also rain on wednesday i think, but let's not let it ruin the day. I have done almost no work so far during the holidays. I've done some of Moody's german (the sheets), i now have to learn 101 verbs with their inperfect tense. Bugger.
Then of course there's the chemistry 1000 word thing, Scotty too hotty's six questions (which have not even been looked at), Jacko's practice paper and general revision for both maths and chemistry. Oh dear...
The juggling is coming along well. I can do a max of nine rotations. I'm getting better, but not as good as t3h real juggleorz.
Christmas is only days away, but i'm not really feeling as excited as i usually do at this time of year. I think it's because the exams are looming with their syth, ready to cut us from any course we flop at. *cough* Dave Computing *cough*
Only joking
My brother is home for Christmas. He came back on the 10th December and I think he’s missing his pals up at Uni. Lancaster in case your wondering.
Also, on the news this morning, it was revealed that Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince has been completed. I’m guessing a release date of February to march of 2005.
Talking of news, yesterday it was revealed that Exeter university is closing it’s chemistry department. I’m not surprised. How many people at school are planning to do chemistry at Uni. I know of one – David Plummer, Imperial college.
Yesterday was a very relaxing day, because I watched a film. Cool Runnings. I’ve seen it many times before and think it’s brilliant. I’ll elaborate if anyone wants me to at a later date. At 8.30, I watched another film – Armageddon. I’ve got it on DVD. Although it’s a bit far fetched, I liked it.
I’m very easily pleased by films.
While I’m typing this, it appears that you, all of you, are offline. Is it that you are all asleep, or awake but not logged on??
Well, this should be it until Christmas. I’ll see you all on Wednesday.
You know what to do by now, hopefully…